Good morning!
I would love for you to join me for How to have meaningful conversations with your preteen around growing up without the eye rolls and the “I know, Mom!”s. It's my new free, online workshop all about how parents can engage their preteens in talking about important stuff and, as a result, support them to be more prepared, more confident and less stressed about life. More specifically, I’ve got insider intel (straight from the trenches!) on smart things to know, do and (not) say when it comes to any conversation with them.
Been to my Growing Up Game Plan: Parents Edition workshop before? Well, this one is a revised and expanded version of that. And different enough that it will be worth your while to join me. Pinky promise!
This workshop is a must take if…
💥You want your preteen to have the information and the skills they need to navigate life
Yes, please!
💥You want to have meaningful conversations that don't get shut down before they even start
Of course!
💥You have all the talks about all the things but you're not sure your message always lands
Heck yah!
💥You want more connection (and less conflict) in your relationship with them
You bet!
Join me for a new, FREE online workshop on supporting your preteen through the ups and downs of growing up. And you know I love answering questions so we’ll make time for that too. I’m offering 2 dates so pick the one that works best for you and register now!
See you then…I am sooooo excited!
- Saleema 💗
P.S. Don’t want to receive any more emails about this workshop? Click here and you won’t. Don’t worry, you’ll still get my newsletter!
P.P.S. If you’ve joined me for any of my other workshops and loved them, thanks for sharing this link with your friends! |